
Insightful web applications

Interactive Information

Custom software is experiential. A unique platform is an opportunity for an interface that matches your organization’s tone and values.


Delightful Interfaces

Application design leans on a bunch of specializations: Interface design, user experience design, human-centered design, product design, animation design. Heck, a few more disciplines ending in design have probably sprung up since this was written.

Like many firms, we’re solid on the principles, and those are the sorts of things that case studies showcase well. What the pictures lack, though — and where we shine — is managing design’s impact on the how of development. Designers and developers working closely together to create a right-fit, achievable interface that brings the big picture to life.

A few years in, digital products start to resemble an old house. You know the type: Layers of slightly mismatched paint, that yellow tile from the 70s, and extra furniture hidden away in a room somewhere. With an application, though, those inconsistencies aren’t called “character,” they’re lovingly referred to as “a maintenance nightmare.”

We take a systems approach to design, avoiding the slow march towards old house. That means componentized, version-controlled interface elements (taking cues from the development process) that’ll gracefully iterate and age with the platform.

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Design Systems & Animations

Mobile-first, responsive, adaptive; whatever you want to call it, it’s vital to meet users where they are. Could this be done on a watch? Does the interface use space effectively across three monitors? Supporting a range of devices isn’t an add-on, it’s part of our process.

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Device Agnostic

As far as services go, this one’s the most straightforward: Not only is accessibility a legal requirement, your users are owed an inclusive application.

We’re fans from a user experience perspective too, since effort here helps everyone. Designing for motor issues assists someone carrying groceries. Appropriate color contrast is useful in direct sunlight. Subtitles may keep someone from turning the volume up on a crowded train.

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Without pulling out our soapbox, human-centered design advocates for the end user — not short-term business objectives. For the long-term health of people on the platform, we’ll champion ethical features and approaches that avoid addiction, tailor notifications, and add the right amount of friction.

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Humane Tech

Everyone’s product roadmap has data analysis somewhere. It’s easier than ever to add charts to applications, but an aimless chart doesn’t substitute for insight. We’ve created visualizations across the spectrum, including:

  • Explanatory: seeking to tell a story with the clearest model possible
  • Exploratory: allowing self-guided exploration and discovery
  • Maps: pairing data and spatial information

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Data Visualization

“We were so close to signing with a large enterprise company to build this before we found Envy Labs. It wouldn't have the flair, any of the special touches and the design would be just plain boring. We are so grateful to all of you for this.”

Andrew McDonald





We combined data from four international soccer leagues into one fantasy sports experience.

Networking Training


We changed the way network administration training is delivered across Cisco’s organization.

Up Next

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Custom software is possibility. Determining what to build (and what not to build) makes or breaks the final delivery.

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Custom software is experiential. A unique platform is an opportunity for an interface that matches your organization’s tone and values.

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Custom software is experiential. A unique platform is an opportunity for an interface that matches your organization’s tone and values.

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