
Insightful web applications

Right-fit Engineering

Custom software is an investment. Realizing the right gains takes a focus beyond buzzwords and trending technologies.


Technical Guidance

Our clients are busy managing other products, teams, and the realities of being a technology company. Stopping to weigh every development decision along the way isn’t possible.

Envy Labs is a temporary CTO to lean on. We aim to understand the problem, context, history, and present vetted options. Then, with the same group of faces, we’ll implement the solution in an efficient and lasting way.

More than ever, today’s applications are integration hubs. Whether it’s the weather, real-time sports data, inventory status, customer information, payment processing, or building a new endpoint, we’re set to play matchmaker.

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API Integration & Development

Our Specialities


  • Elixir + Phoenix
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Node
  • Go


  • React
  • Ember
  • D3


  • PostgreSQL
  • GraphQL + Apollo

Page speed has a well-documented effect on everything from conversion rates to search engine ranking. We’ll pitch architectures and technologies with racing stripes, even if the application sports a heavy payload of data, media, or concurrency.

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Performant Applications

Staging environments, redundancy, conditional resources — every project carries unique server and deployment requirements. Whether you’re looking for full administration or someone to work with your IT crew, we’ll help make delivery the celebration it should be.

We’re also pretty good at finding our way around AWS, a specialization unto itself.

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There’s no apple a day to keep technical debt away. Left unchecked, competing feature decisions and years of cruft build up, causing even minor fixes to take too long. Thwarting debt involves:

  • Evaluation (and reevaluation) of anything configurable
  • Checking existing technology choices for relevance
  • Keeping an updated set of expectations and standards
  • Knowing when to pump the brakes to revisit key goals

Maintenance isn’t just knocking out tickets. Our developers review changes with the same scrutiny as the Discovery phase.

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Maintenance & Technical Debt

“I’m delighted to have worked with Envy Labs on [Try Git]. It is the richest online Git and GitHub learning experience in existence.”

Matthew McCullough





We combined data from four international soccer leagues into one fantasy sports experience.

Networking Training


We changed the way network administration training is delivered across Cisco’s organization.

Up Next

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Custom software is possibility. Determining what to build (and what not to build) makes or breaks the final delivery.

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Custom software is experiential. A unique platform is an opportunity for an interface that matches your organization’s tone and values.

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Custom software is experiential. A unique platform is an opportunity for an interface that matches your organization’s tone and values.

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We’re always looking for a chance to talk shop. Even if we’re not the right fit today, we’ll be your go-to resource whenever new questions pop up.
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